AnatolSher - 认证专家
Lover of the ocean, yachts and Arduino

注册于 1 年前


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1 年前

W800/W801 PSRAM 使用例程

It`s work on w806, w801 - no : )

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1 年前

W800/W801 PSRAM 使用例程

Thank you isme! I will try to resolder the chip to "0" configuration. But it is strange. . . Is pin mul

我 发表了评论

1 年前

W800/W801 PSRAM 使用例程

Hello! What am I doing wrong? #include "wm_include. h" #include "wm_psram. h" #incl

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1 年前

I'll be back soon : )

我 发表了评论

1 年前

How to use LVGL in Arduino

@isme I will be free next week and will continue to investigate this issue.

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1 年前

How to use LVGL in Arduino

@xiaoxuesheng It can be made to work, but it will not be optimal and not productive.

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1 年前

How to use LVGL in Arduino

@xiaoxuesheng Arduino_GFX is not suitable for use in LVGL. For LVGL, you need to write your own dri

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1 年前

W80X 驱屏方案 SDIO SPI 模式 最高 120M 时钟驱动 LCD 屏 LVGL 界面开发

@isme Hello! Did you run lv_demo_benchmark () ; ? What FPS did you get? I need numbers where to go : )

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1 年前


@Level pinMode (BUTTON_PIN, INPUT) ; Should be replaced with pinMode (BUTTON_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP) ; Because su

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1 年前


@Level Das model : )

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1 年前


I suggest working on expanding your example. Add a servo and a proportional control element. And the

我 发表了文章

1 年前

How to use LVGL in yourArduino

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1 年前

W80X Arduino 环境啥时候可以支持 LVGL 驱动 LCD 屏?

@bee Coming soon to cinema screens : )

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1 年前

关于 ST7789 fast SPI library and ILI9341 fast SPI library 的问题

And show me back side of the display. May be it is not ST7789 : )

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1 年前

关于 ST7789 fast SPI library and ILI9341 fast SPI library 的问题

@xiaoxuesheng I'm sorry, but I don't have an IPS display to test your adaptation. At first glance, y
