W80X Arduino Environment construction

Publish in 2023-07-13 16: 21: 01


  1. File -" Preferences
    Environment construction. jpg
  2. On the parameter setting screen URL Enter the following link address:
    https: //raw. githubusercontent. com/board707/w80x_arduino/hal-v0. 6. 0/package_w80x_index. json
    If this doesn't work, Please try the link below:
    http: //dl. isme. fun/w80x_arduino/package_w80x_index. json
    https: //raw. githubusercontent. com/board707/w80x_arduino/hal-v0. 6. 0/package_w80x_isme_proxy_index. json

    Prefrences. png

  3. Tools -" Boards -" Boards Manager. . .  search w80x_duino, Select the latest version you want to install

    tools. jpg
    manager. jpg

Linux User precautions

If you encounter the following error the first time you build:
/w80x_duino/tools/w80x_tool/v1. 0/lin/wm_tool: /lib64/libc. so. 6: version GLIBC_2. 34 not found
Or something like that, Just find yours w80x_duino/tools/w80x_tool/v1. 0/lin/file, Then delete wm_tool and wm_toold document. Then rebuild, The mistake should disappear.

Problem assistance

If you encounter any problems while using the software, Questions can be submitted right away. Developers will help post to the Q&A community and professionals will help solve it, And the project will continue to grow.

3 Pieces of review
