W801/W800-wifi-socket develop (one) -UDP

Published on 2022-04-18 19: 28: 15


**This article uses the environment:
master control: W800-KIT (Development Board)
compatible: W800 W801 AIR101
development environment : CDK
SDK: W801/W800 of SDK (tls library) **

==My Lianshengde Q&A Community homepage==
==My CSDN article==
==Write in front: ==
I am not prepared to modify the official documents, I will directly call the corresponding api, Because the official uses a large number of callbacks and message queues, One ring is clasped together, It takes too much time to change the phone bill, There's not much need either.

one, Project Overview

^^^^Program functions: Using onboard WIFI Connect to the server on the computer side (UDP protocol, Simulate using the Network Debugging Assistant) , Transferring data.

^^^^Starting from this article, Starting onboard wifi Use of. Roast before writing, develop W80X It's really holding the official SDK, The gnawing of one function after another, It's true, it's a bit uncomfortable. . . .

two, socket-udp official SDK carding.

^^^^This section is mainly used to sort out the official information UDP Programming ideas for connections, This is all a function, a function that was found, It's really hard. I hope the officials can use your small hand to make a fortune, Could you please follow me, Like, Click on a favorite.
==take care== : What's written here is a bit convoluted, If beginners may not easily understand, Watch it yourself a few more times. Programming will be included in Chapter 3.

1, Connecting a router

^^^^openwm_connect_net_demo. cfile, demo in wifi The connection function for is located in this file.
Insert image description hereAs shown in the above figure, demo_connect_netThe function entry parameters are wifi Name and password.
Give me a chestnut:

demo_connect_net ("yyds", "1234567890") ; 
//take care,  There must be a delay,  Otherwise,  there may be problems connecting.  .  .  .  .  
tls_os_time_delay (2000) ; 

^^^After the execution is completed, the development board will automatically connect to the wifi Yes, At this point, the serial port will print:
Insert image description here
Indicates that the router has been successfully added, Visible router allocation to development board IP: 192. 168. 1. 74.

2, connect UDP

^^^^openwm_udp_demo. cfile, udp_demp The connection function for is located in this file.
Insert image description here
socket_udp_demo () 'Function parameters are represented separatelymode (Unicast and Multicast) , portandIP. This article connects to a computer server, Therefore, the configuration is as follows:

    socket_udp_demo (1, 10086, "192. 168. 1. 87") ; 

above-mentioned==IP==It's my computer==IP==, The port is my custom port, Can be modified according to actual situation. Next, we will explain in detail the execution strategy of the function.

^^^^socket_udp_demo () 'The first half of the function is all initialization related, Mainly looking at the following structure: demo_udpThe structure is as follows, It can be seen that the structure contains variables related to connections, *sock_rxand*sock_tx, It is the receive and send pointer that needs to be used in the future, This means that subsequent transmissions can be directly transmitted using this structure.

 * @typedef struct demo_udp
typedef struct demo_udp
    tls_os_queue_t *udp_q; 
    struct ip_mreq mreq; 
    char *sock_rx; 
    char *sock_tx; 
    int cast_mode; 
    bool socket_ok; 
    int socket_num; 
    int port; 
    u32 ip_addr; 
    u32 rcv_data_len; 
    int snd_skt_no; 
    int snd_data_len; 

} ST_Demo_Udp; 

^^^^The function allocates memory for both input and output, ==If the length of sending and receiving data is very long, special attention should be paid to it==.
Insert image description here
^^^^Next, let's take a look at the following two tasks directly, take caredemo_udpThis structure is passed on to these two tasks.
Insert image description here
^^^^The first one is related to configuration and sending, The second one is to receive data.

2. 1, First, enterdemo_udp_task () 'function: (In functionsudpIt was passed in from the previous function, Same as beforedemo_udpequivalence)
^^^^Determine whether the network is connected normally.

    if (ethif-" status)     /*connected to ap and get IP*/
        tls_os_queue_send (udp-" udp_q,   (void *) DEMO_MSG_SOCKET_CREATE,  0) ; 
        struct tls_param_ip ip_param; 

        tls_param_get (TLS_PARAM_ID_IP,  &ip_param,  TRUE) ; 
        ip_param. dhcp_enable = TRUE; 
        tls_param_set (TLS_PARAM_ID_IP,  &ip_param,  TRUE) ; 
        tls_wifi_set_oneshot_flag (1) ;          /*Enable oneshot configuration*/
        printf ("\nwait one shot. . . . . . \n") ; 

^^^^View the status of the current connection.

tls_netif_add_status_event (udp_net_status_changed_event) ; 

^^^^Direct entryudp_net_status_changed_event () 'function, Officially used ademo_udpMessage queue sending currently requires execution行offunction状态, andudpequivalence.

static void udp_net_status_changed_event (u8 status ) 
    switch (status) 
        tls_os_queue_send (demo_udp-" udp_q,   (void *) DEMO_MSG_WJOIN_FAILD,  0) ; 
        tls_os_queue_send (demo_udp-" udp_q,   (void *) DEMO_MSG_WJOIN_SUCCESS,  0) ; 
    case NETIF_IP_NET_UP: 
        tls_os_queue_send (demo_udp-" udp_q,   (void *) DEMO_MSG_SOCKET_CREATE,  0) ; 

^^^^退出udp_net_status_changed_event () 'function继续查看demo_udp_task () 'function. one个死循环, 接收udpof消息, 这里of switch inofmsg来自于前文提到ofupddemo_udp (两者equivalence) .

for  (; ; ) 
        tls_os_queue_receive (udp-" udp_q,   (void **) &msg,  0,  0) ; 
        printf ("\n udp msg =%d\n", msg) ; 
        switch ( (u32) msg) 

            create_udp_socket_demo () ; 

        case DEMO_MSG_WJOIN_FAILD: 
            if (udp-" socket_num "  0) 
                udp-" socket_num = 0; 
                udp-" socket_ok = FALSE; 


            if  (-1 == udp-" snd_data_len) 
                len = DEMO_UDP_BUF_SIZE; 
            else if (udp-" snd_data_len ! = 0) 
                len =  (udp-" snd_data_len "  DEMO_UDP_BUF_SIZE)  ? 
                      DEMO_UDP_BUF_SIZE :  udp-" snd_data_len; 
            memset (udp-" sock_tx,  'u',  len) ; 

            if  (DEMO_UDP_BROADCAST == udp-" cast_mode) 
                pin. sin_addr. s_addr = htonl (0xffffffffUL) ;   //IPADDR_BROADCAST
            else if  (DEMO_UDP_MUTICAST == udp-" cast_mode) 
                MEMCPY ( (char *)  &  (pin. sin_addr. s_addr) ,   (char *) MCASTIP,  4) ; 
                pin. sin_addr. s_addr = udp-" ip_addr; 

            pin. sin_port = htons (udp-" port) ; 

            ret = sendto (udp-" socket_num,  udp-" sock_tx,  len,  0,   (struct sockaddr *) &pin,  sizeof (struct sockaddr) ) ; 
            //       printf ("ret = %d\n", ret) ; 
            if  (ret  " 0) 
                printf ("send err\n") ; 
                if  (udp-" snd_data_len ! = -1) 
                    udp-" snd_data_len -= ret; 
            if  (udp-" socket_ok && udp-" snd_data_len ! = 0) 
                tls_os_time_delay (8) ; 
                tls_os_queue_send (udp-" udp_q,   (void *) DEMO_MSG_UART_RECEIVE_DATA,  0) ; 

        case DEMO_MSG_SOCKET_ERR: 
            tls_os_time_delay (200) ; 
            printf ("\nsocket err\n") ; 
            create_udp_socket_demo ( ) ; 


^^^^cardingone下 switch ofimplement顺序: 首先implementcreate_udp_socket_demo () ', establishconnect, 这个function不use再看Yes, 会自动establish成功. 然后, 就可以进入发送program. demo in单独写Yesone个发送function:

int udp_send_data_demo (int len) 
    printf ("\nlen=%d\n",  len) ; 
    if  (NULL == demo_udp) 
        return WM_FAILED; 
    if  (! demo_udp-" socket_ok) 
        printf ("skt not created\n") ; 
        return WM_FAILED; 

    demo_udp-" snd_data_len = len; 
    tls_os_queue_send (demo_udp-" udp_q,   (void *) DEMO_MSG_UART_RECEIVE_DATA,  0) ; 

    return WM_SUCCESS; 

该function只规定Yes传输of长度, and未对content进行赋值, tls_os_queue_send () 'function发送消息DEMO_MSG_UART_RECEIVE_DATA参数给 demo_udp_task () '代码of for 循环, tls_os_queue_receive () function接收消息队列of值, and switch implement. staycase DEMO_MSG_UART_RECEIVE_DATA: The real occurrence code is in the middle, The content sent is as follows:

memset (udp-" sock_tx,  'u',  len) ; 

The appeal code fills in all the sent content as'u', Therefore, directly modify the udp-" sock_tx content, Can pass through socket send data. But when it is actually sent, it is no longer assigned here. . . . .

2. 2, Next, take a lookdemo_udp_recv_task () 'function, There's nothing to say about this function, The received data will be automatically placed in the udp-" sock_rxin.

ret = recvfrom (udp-" socket_num,  udp-" sock_rx,  DEMO_UDP_BUF_SIZE, 
                           0,   (struct sockaddr *) &pin,  &addrlen) ; 

three, Project Design

^^^^This section will deploy its own project, Read and send data.

3. 1, Modify sending and receiving codes
^^^^ ==Must be modified: == , stay wm_udp_demo. c finddemo_udp_task () ' function, take case DEMO_MSG_UART_RECEIVE_DATA: inof memset Shield it out:

This code must be masked
//memset (udp-" sock_tx,  'u',  len) ; 

//The following code can be added or not,  Mainly printing and sending data
//Add to case DEMO_MSG_UART_RECEIVE_DATA:  of break before.  
//add by zxx start
printf ("send_led:  %d data: \n", len) ; 
for (int ii = 0; ii  " len;  ii--) 
    printf ("%x ", udp-" sock_tx[ii]) ; 
}printf ("\n") ; 
//add by zxx end        

^^^^ ==It doesn't have to be modified: == , stay wm_udp_demo. c finddemo_udp_recv_task () 'function, Add Print Code.

if  (ret "  0) 
    printf ("rcv from %s  :  port :  %d len = %d rev_data:  \n",  inet_ntoa (pin. sin_addr) ,  htons (pin. sin_port) ,  ret) ; 
    //add by zxx start
    for (int ii = 0;  ii  " ret;  ii++) 
        printf ("%d ", udp-" sock_rx[ii]) ; 
    }printf ("\n") ; 
    //add by zxx end

3. 2, Encapsulation data
^^^^staywm_udp_demp. cDocument==last==Add Code:

//add by zxx start
void udp_send_data_self (u8 *data, int data_len) 
//take data Copy all of the content to demo_udp-" sock_tx in
    memcpy (demo_udp-" sock_tx,  data,  data_len) ; 
    udp_send_data_demo (data_len) ; 
//add by zxx end

3. 3, External Declaration
^^^^staywm_demp_console. hDocument==last==Add Code:

//add by zxx start
extern void udp_send_data_self (u8 *data, int data_len) ; 
//add by zxx end
#endif /*__WM_DEMO_CMD_H__*/

3. 4, Main function
^^^^stay==Your task==Write the following code in:

void your_task () 
    u8 test_data[10] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}; 
    demo_connect_net ("yyds", "1234567890") ; 
    tls_os_time_delay (2000) ; 
    socket_udp_demo (1, 10086, "192. 168. 1. 87") ; 
    while (1) 
        //send data
        udp_send_data_self (test_data, 10) ; 
        tls_os_time_delay (5000) ; 

four, test

1, Simulation server
^^^^Open the Network Debugging Assistant, Configure as follows, IPConfigure according to your actual situation.
Insert image description here

2, Download the program to the development board
^^^^After the delay time ends, Development board and server exchange data.
^^^^Development Board
Insert image description here

Insert image description here

