我是用老版本的 sdk 使用 CDK 工具连接 cklink 调试代码也正常, 但是因为需要使用到新版的 sdk 上的 OTA 升级 故将代码进行迁移至新版本, 代码编译正常 使用烧录工具也正常, 但是使用 CDK 调试代码 下载固件都不行
下面是新版本 sdk https: //gitee. com/w800/wm_sdk_w806
@feng201272195 But if you solve the problem in a different way, please tell here how you did it. It will be useful for everyone and interesting.
I have set up a CDS environment to work with the w806 chip. This works fine with the homemade debugger on bluepill and with the original CKLINK.
This also works in localJTAG mode