大家好,我是小學生,我寫了一個中斷attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(interruptPin), blink, CHANGE);顯示報錯Compilation error: 'digitalPinToInterrupt' was not declared in this scope
Don't worry. First, you must update the w80x arduino core. I posted the XT804.ZIP file in the "More Compatibility" article.
Then come back and show me your code.
Download the test case from BasicExamples - Gpio interrupts. Compilation will succeed
Expression AttachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(interruptPin), blink, CHANGE); - not correct. Enough of this:
Documentation mismatch found! Thank you
非常感謝,按照你的方法,我的代碼編譯通過了,Thank you very very much!!