大家好,我找到兩個fast SPI library,分別是ST7789和ILI9341驅動的,他們在16MHz的 AVR Arduino上運行的特別快,我自己也做了實驗,運行速度要比在W806上面快得多(W806使用的是Adafruit_ST7735_and_ST7789_Library),有沒有辦法讓ST7789 fast SPI library and ILI9341 fast SPI library支持W806,我試過燒錄W806時報錯了,
In COMPATIBILITY_MODE, there won't be much performance gain. For w80x chips, there are two options to improve performance. The first is to use the SDIO->SPI driver, the second is to rewrite access to the SPI controller taking into account hardware capabilities. This may take a long time. The priority of our team is to adapt LVGL to our Arduino core. If we have free time, we will explore these fast libraries
This works in compatibility mode. But as I said before, the performance is bad :(

Little bit better :)

Dear Primary School Students! :)
Why don't you want to break your brains and try to figure out how the microcontroller works? You can see step by step in debug mode what is happening and how it works in order to make your own improvements to the code. If you have not yet learned how to do it, we will teach you :)
Hello students! :)

A little cosmetics in the code with the SDIO->SPI driver gives us this result, not bad at all. But you can do even better.
In half an hour I will upload the new ILI9341_Fast library. You can remake this template for ST7789
Run in normal mode, no debug
@AnatolSher Perfect 非常感謝,辛苦你了,我試一下
HI! @AnatolSher 我按照你的代碼更改了ST7789 fast SPI library,運行的速度很快,但是顯示有些問題

@xiaoxuesheng I'm sorry, but I don't have an IPS display to test your adaptation. At first glance, your code is correct. The problem can only be in the initialization sequence. Try lowering the baud rate in the driver

And show me back side of the display. May be it is not ST7789 :)