W801 spi_init In function spi_set_endian () Have no effect, How to modify SPI The size end of the transmission

Publish in 2022-04-07 14: 45: 11

W801 spi_init In function spi_set_endian () Have no effect. Try with SPI Bus driver block LCD Screen, Can drive successfully, exportation 16 Bit of color data to LCD Screen. But the output color is always reversed, read spi_init Found set spi_set_endian (1) , That means the big end is in front, however SDK the demo In the middle, it is said that the small end is in front. Try to modify the default spi_set_endian (1) for spi_set_endian (0) Have no effect. When you need the big end in front, How to modify? (The color shown below is blue, But the actual value I transmitted was 0XF800 RGB565 format, It should be red, Be changed to 0X00F8 And then it shows up in red, So validation should be a small - and large-end issue) Wechat picture_20220407144348. jpg

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